
Brent Mountain

Brent Mountain is located 22 km west of Penticton, B.C. It was proposed as a Goal 1 Protected Area early in the Okanagan Shuswap-Land Review Management Process (OS-LRMP) and was classified as a Protected Area in 2001. The Okanagan Similkameen Parks Society was very aggressive and involved in this process.

Brent Protected Area will not move to full provincial park status until the South Okanagan Similkameen National Park Proposal is decided. (Brent Mountain is not in any way associated with the area proposed as a federal park).

The OS-LRMP table had agreement from the forest sector (Don Couch & Bob Helfrich of the South Okanagan Forestry Association) that the west side of Brent Mountain would be supported as a park area at the Merritt LRMP. When this LRMP didn’t become a reality, the unlogged area to the west of Brent was released from park consideration in 2009.

More information from BC Parks.